Volunteer Activities: Fruitful Orphanage is located just outside of Arusha. It was established by Isaac J Summary in 2013. Fruitful Orphanage provides accommodation, food, schooling and care to 30 children aged 3-13 years. 12 children live in the orphanage full time. The remaining children live at the facility during the weekdays and stay with relatives on the weekend or come to the facility during the days because their parents are ill and cannot properly care for them, but return home at night.

•       Cleaning dormitories, toilet plus school and staying area.
•       Cleaning the chicken coop and feeding the chickens.
•       Preparing the porridge and lunch for the children.
•       Attending/teaching different classes.
•       Playing with the children different games/sports.
•       Washing the utensils after the children finish drinking porridge and lunch.
•       Helping the children to make their bed.
•       Helping the children washing the clothes together with helping them buying soap etc.

In the future, Fruitful Orphanage intends to expand the capacity to cater for more children, as well as to provide more comprehensive schooling for the children. This includes plans to build a library, which will include information technology to better prepare children for life in the modern world.

Fruitful Orphanage is also pursuing income-generating activities, such as the rental of tents, chairs and tables for events in and around Arusha, a small stationery shop, and raising animals for consumption and sale.

Website:>> Fruitfulorphanage

Facebook page: >> Fruitful Orphanage and Day Care Centre

We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travellers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination. If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase and take supplies for area schools or medical clinics in need, you’ll make a priceless impact in the lives of our local children and families.

What supplies are needed for our project/projects?

•       Teaching aid like textbooks, picture and early chapter books, and other activities books
•       Pencils, pens, chalk, paper and notebooks
•       Bedding: blankets, bedsheets
•       Children’s shoes and clothes
•       First Aid Kit, resupply for first aid kit
•       Solar panels
•       Video camera for taking some photo and video in different events.
•       Laptop/tables for Fruitful Orphanage programs
•       Financial donations are also welcome

Website: www.packforapurpose.org